


What’s your first thought when you wake up?

Bliss. I think about coffee and cigarettes.

Do you sing in the shower? 

I do. I sing made up songs. Sometimes I just keep singing and repeating the same line.

Do you drink coffee or tea?

A lot of black coffee, no sugar.

What article of clothing should every man own? 

An Adidas hoodie.

Do you wear fragrances? If so, which is your favorite?

Not so much anymore. I love Opium for men, Coco by Chanel, Chanel number 5 and Fahrenheit.

What´s your favorite part of your body? And your least favorite part? 

My favorite are my eyes. I´m fine in my own skin, I don´t dislike anything.

What make you very happy?

My job. I´m so happy shooting.

Do you get bored quickly? 

Depends on the situation. I’ve learned to be patient and creative when nothing is happening.

Do you have any vices?

I use to have a lot. However, the older I get the more they are disappearing.

Do you wear glasses? 

I don’t but I’m noticing vision problems lately and I need to have a checked out.

Do you read books? If so, what was the last one you read?

Yes, I do. I’m in the middle of reading “Freedom” by Jonathan Frenzen, but my hero is Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Is there a quote that speaks to you? 

Sometimes almost nothing can upside down your life. Just one element changes places and everything else accommodates in consequence.” from Goditi il Problema by Sebastiano Mauri.  “To look life in the face. To know it for what it is and then to put it away.” from The Hours by Michael Cunningham.




If life had a soundtrack, what would it be for you?

Vogue by Madonna.

What is your favorite city in the world? And why? 

Barcelona and NYC, because that’s where I grew up and it’s where all the people I love live.

What is your idea of a perfect evening?

Drinks with my friends, but I stopped drinking alcohol now. So I have to figure out my new routines.

2020 inspired activism. Is there a social issue you are most passionate about?

I’m a communist. I’m positioned about all social issues.

What accomplishment are you most proud of at the moment?

Being able to work with my heroes and idols.

How did you become interested in photography?

It just seemed the easiest way to create art.

On an emotional level, what can a photograph make you feel? And how does it relate to your photos?

A photograph can accelerate my heartbeat and make me travel in stillness. I try to make others feel that with my photographs.

How does being Spanish reflect in your work?

Because I developed as a photographer in NYC in my 20’s. I don’t think my photos have any Spanish influence about them.

In your opinion, what makes a perfect man in 2021?

A big dick, that is always timeless.


In this Story:

  1-4. Xevi Muntané wears jeans, sneakers MODEL’S OWN








Next Up: One More Shot