What are your first thoughts on awakening in the morning?

Do I have time to snooze? Thoughts don’t really appear until I have had my morning coffee…

Do you sing in the shower?


Where are you from?

Waltham, Massachusetts.

Actor or Dancer first?

Actor, but dance will always be my first love/passion. Though I feel like I’ve always excelled at dance because I’ve been an inherit actor… or is it the other way around?

What made you become an actor?

As a kid I loved playing pretend. I was also always trying to escape my reality and become someone else, someone smarter, funnier, scarier, weirder… When I finally performed in my first school play—I was like oh yeah I never want to stop doing this. I also love to be seen.

What project are you working on at the moment?

I just wrapped a new scripted series for Hulu in LA called “Welcome to Chippendales.” I play a silly dumb salacious male stripper during the 1980s. I was very much in my element. Since then, I rejoined the Broadway company of Aladdin in NYC for a short stint.

What attracted you to your character Rhys when you first read the script? 

I know Rhys. I unfortunately find myself around a lot of insecure, vapid, white boys in this industry and community. I thought it would be fun to use comedy to jump into the character of this problematic archetype I witness so often. I actually used a couple specific boys I’m not very fond of as source material as I prepared he he.

How much are you like the character of Rhys you play in Fire Island The Movie or how different?

I like to think I am nothing like Rhys—but that was why it was so fun to play him.

What is it like to get into a head like that?

It was scary at first but once I was firm in his delusions it was pretty simple. I wanted to make him dumb and ignorant but not necessarily mean. Though it did feel insane at first to dish out racist comments to some of my idols. I would look at Joel and Andrew and be like “You sure you want me to say that?!”

Professionally, what are you better at now than before?

Confidence. To make it in this world you really have to believe in yourself and that you truly are a shining star. You also have to have a firm grasp on knowing who you deeply are and liking that person. That took me a while—but I am finally in a place where I can say I’m really proud of myself and admire who I’ve become. Bringing that confidence to my work just allows me to fly and excel. .

Do you have any secret desire to work with a certain director? and why?

My guilty but not so guilty pleasure is Wes Anderson. My virgo brain is obsessed with an impeccably curated, aesthetically-specific world. He also dreams up such off-beat, zany characters which are always for me, the most fun to play.




Many actors are fascinated by characters with a dark side. Does it happen to you too?

Of course. It is a surreal experience to force yourself into a headspace you are not used to or comfortable with. I’m a junkie for it.

What was it like working alongside comedians Bowen Yang, Margaret Cho and Joel Kim Booster to name a few?

Dreams! I’ve been a huge fan for a long time. They have been really paving the way for queer comedians in the industry and they are just so damn funny. So so so so many laughs on set. My cheeks still hurt. The best part was everyone was so sweet as well. It really felt like entering this little queer family.

What made you pursue dance?

My aunt owned a small dance studio in my hometown. So I was always dancing. But dance became my therapy as a kid growing up. When I was really upset or angry or even just really excited I’d lock myself in my room, blast my little boombox, and just dance it out. I realized pretty quickly dance had to be an integral part of my life forever.

If not an actor or dancer, what would you be?

Maybe a stylist. I love interiors. I love clothes. I love adding a part of myself to the way someone dresses or the spaces they exist in.

Do you like risk?

I don’t know if I like risk. But I’m definitely not afraid of risk. It’s just stressful but I always jump head first and hope for the best.

Are you of method or guts?

I think both. You need to do the homework and have all your ducks in a row but you also have to be brave enough to take bold chances when the opportunities arise.

Have you ever felt typecast?

Yea definitely. I’d be surprised if I wasn’t. I just am hoping casting directors can finally start to see what I’m capable of and how much of a weirdo I really am.

Do you read books? If so what was the last one?

I do read books. I just reread  “Black Leopard Red Wolf” by Marlon James.

What scares you?

Failure. Not being good enough. Not being enough.

And what makes you angry?

Failing. People letting you down.

What do you do to stay fit?

I’m a cardio junkie. I’ve been very into Barry’s Bootcamp lately.

What’s something you could eat for a week straight?

Veal Paremsan. But only if I had my GasX and my Lactaid with me.

Do you wear glasses?


Are you interested in clothes and style? 

I’m very much into clothes and having a personal style. I’ve found that getting dressed everyday is a personal creative outlet that I very much enjoy. I also love vintage shopping.

How would you describe your personal style?

My style is pretty specific: eclectic and retro. Definitely been obsessed with the 70’s and 80’s vibes lately. I also love color..

What cologne do you wear if any?

Vines by Regime de Fleur and Cowboy by Mondo Mondo.

Do you think it’s important for a man to be sexy?

I think it is an important for a man to FEEL sexy. But so many things can make a man sexy—its not just looks and sex appeal.

Boxers or Briefs?

Briefs, duh.

Moustache (Tom Selleck) or Clean Shaven?

Give me that mustache daddy.

What do you think are the most exciting people in the world today?

Anyone who flies by the seat of their pants.

A quality that you appreciate in a man/woman?

Sensitivity, transparency, and most of all silliness.

Your Hero In Real Life?

My dad.

What would your perfect night be like?

Cute clothes. Cute drinks. Cute friends at a cute bar. Some cute conversations followed by some cute dancing and then a cute boy to walk me home…

Is there time for love with your schedule?

There’s always time for love. I’m a romantic. It’s probably my downfall.

Friday or Sunday?


Dogs or cats?

Dogs—preferably big ones that can cuddle.

What makes a perfect man?

Definitely having a sense of humor and a craving for fun and adventure. But also he must be emotionally intelligent and make me feel special when I need it.


In this Story:

 1-12. Michael wears all looks MODEL’S OWN, On skin: Cowboy Eau de Parfum MONDO MONDO