How long have you been modeling for?

Almost twenty-six years as I started at sixteen, I’ve
more recently transitioned to influencing. Modeling took me all over the world and provided so much growth, this career has definitely helped build confidence and independence but it can be a lonely existence while building insecurities if you allow it. All the more reason to build yourself up and stand true to who you are, once you discover that.

You seem to be the epitome of an Action Man, what’s your next adventure?

I’m working on my next trip, the options are endless but I’m leaning towards the U.S., time to start something new there.

What are your first thoughts on awakening in the morning?

What are my goals today. Let’s clean up the house and get going but first to see LuSi have a great time on the beach with her friends.

You are in incredible shape, how do you do it?

Consistency. Yet I do like to change up my routine often. From more heavy short gym sessions to more volume based training. My diet is priority. We can get into that at another stage.

Shower or Bath?

Definitely shower, no time to sit around in a bath for me unless I’m with my partner.

What are your tips for getting back on your feet? (after several bike accidents, financial losses and starting over.)

Growth. See it all as a time to grow & mature. It’s also always a time to evolve & try something new when it comes to work, life & exercise.

What projects are you working on at the moment?

Currently building my social media business to include high end travel & fashion.

Do you have any regrets in the industry that you didn’t do before?

Perhaps just to have spent more time in the states but I’ll be doing that now so it’s not too late.

Do you read books? If so, what was the last one?

I’ve recently started reading ‘The Power of Now’ again. It has been a huge help with the challenges I’m experiencing in life at the moment.

What excites you?

Change. Meeting new people and having new experiences.

A quality that you appreciate in a man? A Woman?

Without sounding cliché. Someone that will stand by you through tough times, great communication. Reciprocation but not necessarily in the same way. A caring partner that tries to understand their loved one’s situation.




Who is your hero in real life? 

I don’t have a hero. I do however try to look inside myself for that. I’ve never tried to emulate anyone yet I’ve heard that it can be beneficial. Somehow it just never resonated with me.

Is there time for love with your schedule?

Absolutely, that is a priority in my life.

Ideal Sunday?

Spending time with friends, a loved one & my dog LuSi. Good food, the outdoors & love.

How did your dog LuSi come about?

My previous dogs were both killed in the same moment which brought about some of the worst times of my life but on a run to clear my head, I found LuSi as a pup in a pop up adoption center I didn’t feel ready but was convinced to take her in for a few days. I then traveled to family to try to deal with the loss of Luna and Si. LuSi stayed with a friend that owns AtFrits Dog Hotel & Daycare Center, we received daily updates and she just started to be part of the family. A few days turned in a weeks and now years.

Last meal before you die: including starters, drink and dessert?

Fresh mountain water…or a Coke float from my childhood. Steak tartare, the very one I had at a hotel one New Year’s in Stubai one year. A Mexicana pizza & or lamb shank with mashed potatoes which is my usual. Dessert is definitely a kilo of dried dates and figs…a kilo each. Also my usual.

If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?

Try to grow from every situation, it provides a time to do things differently if not better. A setback is definitely not the end, it’s a time to evolve. I always wanted to absorb all experiences and lessons though some are so very painful, in a way I still welcome them.

What makes a Perfect Man?

To keep moving forward no matter what! Much of what I mentioned above but also empathy. I’ve more recently started to focus on friendships with people that are going through tough times. Through think and thin. I choose to be more like that. A caring, kind and empathetic man. Someone that can be counted on!


In this Story:

 1-12. Marc wears MODEL’S OWN








Next Up: Young, Fresh & New