What are your first thoughts upon awakening in the morning?

Right now I have a very specific routine: I wake up and leave the phone on the side till I’m done with breakfast and cleaning my room, so that helps me start the day with a clear mind and no useless distractions from the phone.

Do you drink coffee or tea?

Coffee or espresso with a glass of water.

Bath or shower?

Showering alone is almost always cold. If I’m not alone, I prefer something warm, such as a bath.

What part of the world are you from?

From a beautiful place called the Basque Country.

What city is home at the moment?

I live on the Gold Coast in Australia, but I’ve been thinking about moving.

What’s your story with professional rugby?

I have never been a professional rugby player as I have never been paid for playing the sport, but I have played for many years in my hometown club in the highest division in Spain. I started playing when I was 7 and didn’t stop except for injuries till around two years ago. I started training for CrossFit around 3 years ago, and now it is the sport I do.

How did you become a model? What do you love about it?

The first shoot I ever did was with Paul Freeman a few years ago; my partner at the moment got me in contact with him, and that’s when the adventure started. I love the freedom you get from a job like this; I also love training and taking care of what I eat, so keeping healthy is not a big effort.

What accomplishment are you most proud of at the moment?  

The latest accomplishment I’m proud of is qualifying for the quarterfinals after the CrossFit Open.

Your physique looks perfect in these Pat Supsiri photographs; what does your fitness look like these days?

Now I’m training to improve my performance in CrossFit, so I don’t do workouts focusing on aesthetics. I believe if you are trying to get stronger, your body will follow.

What’s your favorite part of your body?

It used to be my booty back when I was playing rugby, but now I’m starting to be happy with my shoulders.

What scares you? And what makes you angry?

It scares me how dependent on and connected to technology we are. The lack of common sense and people who don’t let the rest of the people be whatever they want, angers me.




How would you describe your personal style?

Simple: I use a lot of second-hand clothes.

Boxers or briefs? What’s your favorite underwear color?

Briefs, and as my style is simple white or black, of course.

What was your latest stylish purchase?

It wasn’t a purchase; I found my uncle’s old corduroy jacket at my family’s country house in Spain. Love it.

What would be your superpower?

The ability to teleport. Would save me so much time going to see my family and friends back home.

What cologne do you wear, if any?

I don’t wear any and enjoy my own smell. I do appreciate cologne; some people are great at choosing a good one, but I’m not one of those. haha.

Motorcycle or car?

Car, 4WD if possible, and manual, of course.

Do you read books? If so, what was the last one?

I do. I’ve never been a good reader, but one of the things modeling has given me is the time to read. I love reading on public transportation or on the plane. Stonewall is the last book I read, about the riots in 1969 and what happened before and after that time. And now I’m reading one in my mother tongue, Basque, that is called “Amek ez dute.”

Is there a quote that speaks to you?

Treat others as you want to be treated.

Dogs or cats?

I love both, but I’m more of a cat person. I love their personalities and independence. I’ve grown up with a cat since I was very young.

What qualities do you seek in your male friends?

Honesty and common sense, people who apply this rule: “Treat others as you want to be treated.”

Since your inspiring interview, where you announced that you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community, do you feel there has been a change in the acceptance of openly LGBTQ+ people in sports, which tend to be extremely heterosexual?

I think that is very different depending on the sport and even more so in the country. I believe we are going forward and in the right direction in this matter, but it always feels like we are changing slowly. It will take time and the courage of many individuals to make the world a better place for everyone.

What social issue are you most passionate about?

There are many issues in society, and which ones are social issues will change depending on whom you ask. I read and inform myself about many things, but the one in which I invest the most energy and time is trying to be as sustainable as possible.

I’ve changed my life a fair bit, trying to reduce plastic consumption as much as I can, buying local products, and managing and reducing waste as much as I can.




Is there time for love in Ian’s life?

There is always time for love. I love my friends and family and the people I choose to spend time with. But if you’re asking about a partner, the answer is no.

Do you think it’s important for a man to be sexy?

A man who is happy and confident is the sexiest thing you can find on earth.

What is your favorite part of a man’s body?

Legs! I love big legs!

A place to lose yourself?

I always like to lose myself in nature. If there is not much time and I just want a quick disconnection from routine, I just like going to the beach just before the sunset, getting my music on, and walking around getting my feet wet. But if I have more time, I try to spend a few days somewhere where there is no reception and explore, then make a fire and just relax while looking at the fire or the stars.

What would your perfect night be like?

I’d go for a walk barefoot somewhere where the sunset is nice, sit and relax talking about life, grab dinner at a nice restaurant on the way home (for example, Ramen), and then get home and enjoy a good time with a friend or friends.

What do you wear to sleep?

Just my own skin.

What makes a perfect man?

I believe that there is no such thing as a perfect man. Everything in life is constantly changing, including ourselves, so no one can be perfect for anyone. While I could attempt to describe what I think a perfect man might be like, the truth is that my preferences are constantly evolving. Every time I meet new people or have new experiences, my ideas about what I find attractive or desirable change. Therefore, the closest thing to a perfect match would be someone who is also open to change and growth and who is evolving in a similar way to me.


In this Story:

 1-16. In this Story: Ian O’Goh wears shirt WRANGLER, shorts RIP CURLS, orange hoodie APC, white briefs UNIQLO





Photography and Style PAT SUPSIRI, Model IAN O’GOH



Next Up: Rising Sun