


What time do you wake up? 

Every morning my body clock wakes me up around 5:30am without fail.

What are your first thoughts on awakening in the morning? 

Waking up at 5:30am naturally my first thoughts are that I need a coffee. Then I’m ready and focused on what I need to accomplish that day.

Do you sing in the shower? If so, what was the last song?  

Singing unfortunately isn’t a talent of mine, butI’m always playing loud music in the shower to get me in the right mindset.

Coffee or Tea?

I’m going to have to go with coffee on this one.

What do you sleep in?

Boxers all year round.

What city do you currently call home?

I’m currently living in Istanbul for work, but home for me can be more than one place, somewhere I enjoy or where my family are.

How were you scouted for the show Love Island?

Somehow they managed to find me on Instagram which was a surprise as I only had 1k followers and my account was private.

Any humbling/awkward moments from your time on “Love Island” or on a modeling job?

The most awkward thing that’s happened to me so far is when I arrived at a shoot and realised I’d be working with an “old friend” who I hadn’t spoken to in a while. She looked just as shocked as I did, but apart from that nothing too awkward has happened. Hopefully it stays that way!

Is acting something you see in your future?

It’s definitely something I’d like to get into if the opportunity arouse, but I’d have a lot to learn!

What accomplishment are you most proud of at the moment?

I’d have to say that the way I’ve changed my mindset is my biggest accomplishment so far. It’s allowed me to stay focused, motivated and get things done.

Having played Rugby in your teenage years how do you stay fit today?

Staying in shape is a big thing for me so I’m going to the gym regularly throughout the week as well boxing training and regular cardio. 




What does your daily routine?

I wake up at 5:30am and hit the gym around 6:00am for an hour. Training in the morning is key for me to having a productive day. It prepares me mentally and physically for the day ahead.

What are the top 3 exercises every man should do daily?

There’s no three specific exercises I can recommend to do on a daily basis, but as long as you’re doing some form of exercise you enjoy 3-5 times a week you’ll feel great both physically and mentally..

Do you wear glasses?  

No, I’m fortunate to see without!

What makes you very happy?

The thing that makes me most happy is exploring different places, meeting new people and experience new things.

Do you wear fragrance if so which is your favorite?

At the moment my favourite fragrance is Dior Sauvage, you can’t go wrong with this one.

Discuss your preferences in clothing, including underwear?

My clothing preference depends on the type of event, but I usually go for smart casual and tend to go for all black. Underwear has to be be Calvin Klein’s.

What’s your favorite part of your body? And least favorite?

I’d say my jawline is up there, then I try not to dwell on any imperfections that are out of my control, instead I blame my parents (joking, kind of...)

Do you get bored easily?

I can get bored with staying in one place, so I try and travel whenever possible. When it comes to work though I’m able to stay focused even when things get repetitive because I know being consistent always pays off.




Do you read books? If so what was the last one?

Yes, I always try and read, the last book I read was the secret and I’m currently reading “Rich Dad Poor Dad.”

A quote that speaks to you?

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.”

Are you an introvert or extrovert?

It depends I feel like I’m a mix between the two depending on the situation, which I find very useful. Being able to switch between the two when needed allows me to learn and experience different things.

If life had a soundtrack what would it be?

There’s too many different moments in life to narrow it down to one soundtrack!

Do you have any vices?  

I’m very stubborn sometimes which is something I should probably work on.

Who do you think are the most exciting people in the world today?

The most exciting people for me are people are either those that have travelled or have achieved something big in life. They always have exciting stories to tell that you can learn from.

What would be your superpower?  

My super power would to be able to fly. The leg room on planes is a joke.

Cat or dog?

It’s got to be dogs for me.

What qualities do you seek in your friends? 

I’m very cautious with the company I keep as long they’re ambitious, supportive and we’re pushing each other to do better that’s what counts the most to me.

What’s your favorite city in the world and why?

At the moment I’d have to say Rome, there’s so much do see, it’s full of culture and good food. 

What’s your idea of a perfect evening?

For me, a perfect evening can be anywhere as long as there’s great company, good food and wine.

What makes a perfect man in 2021?

Being ambitious, confident and driven to be the best version of yourself will certainly help you in becoming your own perfect man, in my opinion.


In this Story:

 1-4. George Rains wears white briefs RON DORFF 5. George wears On hair: Kengo Feather hold cream SHU UEMURA 6. George wears Greca Border briefs VERSACE 7. George wears On Body: Black Saffron Eau de Parfum BYREDO 8-9. George wears On Body: Black Saffron Eau de Parfum BYREDO 10. George wears white boxer shorts TANI UNDERWEAR 11. George wears grey boxer briefs TANI UNDERWEAR 12. George wears white briefs RON DORFF 13. George wears Greca Border briefs VERSACE, black pants BURBERRY 14. George wears On Skin: Clay Mask for All Skin Types BAXTER OF CALIFORNIA 15. George wears On Body: Black Saffron Eau de Parfum BYREDO    








Next Up: Color Pop